

Friday, April 26, 2019

ITV: two seats or four?

ITV is Spain's APK, the yearly check if your car is still roadworthy. Mine was not, this year. Why? Because the technician at VERA ITV decided that my two-seater roadster has four seats.

Just to remind you what a roadster is: "A roadster (also spider, spyder) is an open two-seat car with emphasis on sporting appearance or character" , from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadster_(automobile)

Anyway. This car has a very nice space behind the seats that you can use to put the dog, the tent, or guests that need to experience how it is to travel to Switzerland by car without any leg room. Below the lid there are two tiny children's seats. No suspension, no safety seat belts, and no leg room for children either. If the lid is down you don't see them.

Went back to ITV Vera to talk, but no. Insisting, they said well, tomorrow morning the boss is here, talk to him. Talked to him: 4.

Anyway, changing the documentation was out of the question, I needed to go back to Lorca, 50 km away, to have them change the papers.

Not that it matters for anything. No tax issue, no safety issue. Quite the contrary, these two children's seats are unusable for children too. And does that mean that I would have two seats without a seat belt, and thus the car is not roadworthy? (No, the rules at date of production count.)

In Lorca they frowned, and counted two. Or four. They offered to retrieve the original data for this type of car from the archive, so if I returned in an hour they'd decide what to do.

Went shopping at the Mediamarkt that is there. As horrible a store as in the Netherlands. Huge, and hugely noisy.

Back to ITV Lorca. They added a note to the documentation, that the car has 2+2 seats. And a stamp, to make it official.

But, 50 km back, to ITV Vera: there is no signature! And without a signature, I would surely understand, they could do nothing. (See my -two- fuming ears?) Can you call ITV Lorca and discuss? No.

50 km back to Lorca. A paraph (short signature)? That is not necessary for changes like this. But they were as kind as to add one. Can you give me an ITV approval? No, unless you do the whole technical check, and pay. More fume.

50 km back to Vera. Where I should have chosen "reparacciones" instead of "other" appointments. Half an hour later I had my sticker.

The technician asked: "why have you come back here? You could have done the change in Lorca, as we're the same ITV company!"

Yes right. I think you're all named Manuel and you all are from Barcelona.

Engineer Jansen will file a complaint about BOTH ITV's, and demand compensation for 200 km driving and a whole day of his time.

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