

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tangerines: bad things come in trees too

In the distant past there were very ancient tangerine (mandarine) trees here, about 25-30 cm diameter. For some reason they were chopped down. What happens then is that new branches will sprout from the old stump, and in years form trees like the ones we have: sort of three trunks from one stem, at an angle of ca 60ยบ. Not nice looking trees, as you can see below.

I've pruned one almost 2 years ago to see if it improves. No.

So, new plan is to remove 2 of the 3 trunks, and see what happens. Tried with 3 trees, and the result doesn't look half bad, I think. Will "treat" the other 6-7 trees too, but will ask someone with a chain saw, as this is very hard work.

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