

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Mind the gap - terrace door

 The upstairs terrace door needed some work. 

Not just that, when it rains we always have a puddle of water behind that door. 

Engineer Jansen has spotted why. Can you spot it too? 

Congratulations, you spotted the ansteystyle gap.

Here is a solution. An iron T-bar was added to the door threshold, so the gap is removed. The door now rests against the T-bar, no gap.

To keep water out of the house,  at the bottom of the door there now is an aluminium profile that makes water fall off on the outside of the T-bar. 

A little silicone for water proofing.

Hm, the alu profile is a bit off the door at the lower part. However, there is some silicone there.

If it rains very very hard water may still get in, there still is a small gap at the side:

If that happens the engineer will add a tiny extra aluminium profile.

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