

Monday, July 8, 2024

Incomprehensible leafblower

Today we hoped to really actually finally finalize the fence. All that was left to do was to top up the holes with the poles that were not filled 100% to 100% with concrete.  That requires cleaning out leaves and debris that ended up on top of the concrete that was already there. We appear to have inherited a leaf blower! That is the perfect tool to get rubbish like that out. 

It has an English plug. Luckily we also inherited an extension cord with an English plug, so the leaf blower could be fired up. 

But, it isn't a leaf blower, it's a leaf sucker! It has a wide tube connected, and a bag, to collect leaves. Not very useful to get leaves out of the holes, as the tube is far too wide for that. But, there also is a tube that is narrower, and engineer Jansen, being engineer Jansen, instantly recognised that as a blower extension.

But, how to connect it up? The collection bag was easily removed. But, the blower extension doesn't look like it fits anywhere. 

Engineer Jansen on his iPhone consulted a manuals site, for the Black & Decker GW370 leaf blower. Those manuals sites are not generous. They show you one page, and then serve you an advert. Well, this manual is one where the have images with the parts labelled 1-325, with text on another page telling you to:

Engineer Jansen has not succeeded to "Attach the blow clamshell and tube (6 & 7) to the powerhead (2) (Fig. J) by locating the blower as indicated by arrow 23, then pivot about this point until the locking/release catch (24) is fully engaged". In fact he did not understand that one bit.

Here's Fig. J:

Engineer Jansen did notice, however, that the blower tube has two things you can press to release it from it's thing. He also noted that the exhaust is sort of the size of that tube, and if you squeeze it a bit the blower tube fits the exhaust quite well. So he ended up with:

Sort of a set of one bag pipe, but it did what it is supposed to do.

For those that are smarter than engineer Jansen here is the full manual:

Oh, engineer Jansen did manage to process 6 bags of 25 kg concrete today, more or less finalizing the fence.

More or less finalizing the fence? Yes, we noticed that at the back of the terrace there are two stepped walls that are planting terraces. Each wall is about 1.5 meters. But, the upper wall is out, and freedom, for dogs. We are against that. So, it needs a 50 cm high fence on top of the upper wall.  And then, dear reader, the fence will be finalized. (We think.)

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