

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Kitchen worktop de-oiled

Followup on https://jansenendewaal.blogspot.com/2017/11/aanrechtblad-olien-kitchen-counter-oil.html

One of engineer Jansen’s less great decisions was to *not* wipe off any excess oil after oiling the kitchen worktop. It was so nice and shiny:

A few years later the punishment comes, as the excess oil transpires out of the wood and becomes a sticky goo, worse than chewing gum. Covering it with clingfilm makes things even worse, as scraping it off gets even more difficult. Your lord in heaven has been called a few names this morning.

All this to prepare for a new and shiny inox sink.

Scraping off the goo, and the clingfilm

Sort of de-oiled the worst part.

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